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Schools | Boys Football Peterborough
01480 570042 info@prolinkfootball.co.uk Contact Us

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We have worked with many schools across Cambridgeshire providing high quality physical education provision to primary aged children. We also offer after school and lunch time clubs.

Head Coach Jordan has decades of experience coaching and teaching from reception age through to year Six students. We provide football; netball, basketball, rugby, gymnastics, athletics and more. Our lessons and after school clubs are engaging; fun and stimulating for each and every child in attendance.

We also offer a unique combination of learning through sport, combining maths and numeracy skills with physical activity. We found when teaching primary ages that students were often able to retain educational information more readily when taught through the medium of sport. Our combination of maths and physical activity provides an exciting and dynamic way to learn.

We would be delighted to showcase our programmes with a free taster at your school.


info@prolinkfootball.co.uk 01480 570042